San Diego Part Two
Hey Guys!! We spent two weeks in the San Diego area and didn’t even scratch the surface on everything in the area to do. I went through most of what we did in our post Seen in San Diego, but there is a little left to tell you…so let’s get started.
We went to La Jolla to see the seals. I have mixed feelings about this. On one side, it was really neat to see the seals chilling out on the beach! But, on the other side…people were actually making their children touch and sit right next to wild seals. I mean…really? They’re wild animals! And they will bite! Sheesh people!
One of my favorite things we did while in the San Diego area was a hike at Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve where they are preserving one of the nation’s rarest pine trees, the Pinus torreyana. I mean…Guys…look at that view! We spent an entire morning hiking around on various trails, soaking up the sun and enjoying the view.
We spent quite a bit of time near the ocean in 2016 as we explored the east coast. We’ve missed it. I don’t think we realized how much we missed it until we were standing there looking at that view and feeling the ocean breeze on our faces.
One of Jerl’s favorite breweries is Stone. We made it up to Escondido to take a tour. We’ve been to a few other brewery tours, but none were on the scale that Stone was. They brew hundreds of gallons at a time. That’s a lot of beer! It’s always fun to see the differences in the breweries and hearing the stories of how they got started.
One of the main reasons we visited San Diego was to go to the zoo. Nicholas had been looking forward to this zoo visit for a very long time. The San Diego zoo is by far the biggest zoo we’ve visited so far. We spent the entire day there and we still somehow missed a whole section. There is a bus tour you can take if your feet get tired. And, there’s a skyfari that you can ride from the back of the zoo to the front! There are some shows…but we missed them all. I think you really need two full days to see this entire zoo.
Nicholas, of course, was all about the panda exhibit. He’s doing a whole zoo review next week so I’ll let him give you all the details on the zoo visit.
And…the pretties! When we were in New Mexico and Arizona I kept looking for tons of spring flowers, but didn’t see very many so when we got to San Diego…and there were flowers everywhere…I loved it!! I was in flower heaven! I can’t believe I got a picture of a hummingbird feeding in the top picture!
Well, that’s it for the San Diego area this time. We left so much undone that we will have to come back at some point.
See y’all down the road!