Stop Off In Alabama
Hey Guys! From Florida we made our way back to Texas. We could have just jumped our way back like we did to get to Florida. But, where’s the fun in that…and besides, that makes for a long three days of constant driving. So, we decided to take our time and do a couple of weekly stays on the way back to Texas.
Our first stop was in Alabama at some friend’s house. We spent the week mooch-docking in their yard so we could visit more. I’m not going to include any pics of them or their kids…I didn’t ask and not too many people are hip to having their pics up on the web.
Jerl was thrilled to have access to a smoker again. He spent the week smoking meat and giving our friend tips. We’ve missed having a smoker. The road up to Alaska chewed up the smoker we had and we haven’t found one that would work with our space requirements since then…so…no smoked meat.
Our friends knew we were into forts so they took us to Fort Morgan State Historic Site one afternoon. Fort Morgan’s military history starts with the War of 1812 and stretches all the way to World War II. That’s over 100 years of service during varying war campaigns.
The construction of Fort Morgan began in 1819 and took a total of fifteen years to complete. The total cost in 1834 was $1,026,777.41. The fort stayed active and manned until 1944 and then in 1947 the military deeded Fort Morgan to the state of Alabama where it became one of Alabama’s state parks.
We had such a good time exploring this fort with our friends! I think it was even better than most forts for the boys because they had Cam and Brie to explore with them.
We also made it to the 5Rivers Alabama Delta Resource Center where the Apalachee, Spanish, Mobile, Blakeley, and Tensaw rivers all flow into Mobile Bay. It was a really cool place! We did a short walk (it started raining on us) and spent time going through the learning center and the exhibit hall where we got to see some of Alabama’s native animals up close. If you’re ever in the Mobile area…you should stop and check it out!
We met our friends back in 2016 while we were exploring New York. We were staying in the same campground. Our kids and their kids hit it off quite well. We’ve kept in touch since then and any time we’re near Mobile, we spend time catching up. We’ve made some of the coolest friendships during our crazy nomadic adventures!
Thanks for putting up with us for an entire week L Family!! We loved visiting with y’all and meeting more of your family!
See y’all down the road!