High clearance required
One of the requirements before starting this trip was to have a four wheel drive vehicle. The Sedona area has over a dozen drives that are a little more, adventurous. We wanted to do one of these drives, as the views were said to be spectacular…and they were.
The drive we chose to do is called Schnelby Hill Road. Schnelby Hill Road is a semi-maintained dirt road that runs from Sedona to I-17 along 12 miles of very bumpy driving.
I was excited to drive up and see this sign. Soon after, the pavement ran out, that’s when things became interesting.
Where the pavement ends…
You can see a couple more warning signs in the distance. I’m pretty sure people don’t read those, we saw several people trying to drive low clearance vehicles along this road. We actually talked to one guy and suggested he turn back…he did.
This area is not so bad, pick your path and just about anything can drive along that…but that’s not all there was.
I have to say, the car looks pretty good going through there.
Here’s another shot, showcasing the road…and the car.

The views were amazing the whole way.
We stopped occasionally to do some exploring. This is a bowl that has been washed out of the sandstone from running water when it rains. Just beyond the edge there is about a 20 foot drop.

TEQUILA…or at least where we get it. Agave grows everywhere around here.

Some more exploring, this was as far as we went, about 4 miles in.

We were greeted with this view at the end.
I put together a map of the route we took using a Garmin eTrex. I pulled the track off the GPS unit, converted it into something I can use and added it to the map. It’s fun to see where we went. The whole trip was about 8 miles and took us almost 2 1/2 hours.