Helena, MT
Our first impressions of Helena is that it’s kind of small and the city is laid out weird. We went to the Capitol Building…it was a lovely dome building.
Here’s a picture of the inside of the dome.
There were several stained glass windows, which were very pretty!
A dome and stained-glass…It’s such a great combination! It seems to be a very popular theme with the Capitol Buildings.
After we got our State Capitol Building stamp, we headed over to the Cathedral of Saint Helena.
It was worth the trip to Helena just to see the cathedral. It was absolutely stunning inside!
And the stained glass…it was amazing. We walked up and down each side looking at each window.
I could have stayed a couple of hours just looking around, but there were people trying to pray so we made a quick tour and headed out.
While we were trying to decide on what to eat we found this fire tower and after several passes around the block figured out how to get to it!
We couldn’t go up in it, but it was neat to look around it and the view of the city wasn’t anything to complain about.
Helena was a neat place to spend an afternoon. We moseyed through some shops and down a very cool (I’m bummed I didn’t get a picture of it) brick street!
See y’all down the road!