Remember when I told you about the skim states. Well, Indiana is one of those skim states for the Eastern Loop Tour 2016. We were there for a grand total of two days and during those two days the weather was not nice. We saw snow, hail, and sleet as temps dropped below the freezing mark. I really thought it was supposed to be spring temps during the month of April.

We jammed in as much as we could during a brief respite from the weather. The Indiana State Capitol Building was big!

We took the tour. Our tour guide was a retired school teacher and did a fabulous job. He was engaging, entertaining, and kept the kids involved. He indicated that the people of Indiana were very proud of the fact that Indianapolis has more syllables than any other State Capitol city. Go ahead…we’ll wait for you while you check the syllables of your state capitol city…I know you’re curious. Now that y’all have checked your syllables (two name cities don’t count), let’s move on.

I know you’re wondering about the dome. The Indianapolis dome doesn’t disappoint.

The stained glass was beautiful. Does it kind of remind you of an owl? We were in the Supreme Court room and the owls on the windows are supposed to represent wisdom.

Indiana is also very proud of it’s Indiana Limestone which is the stone that’s mainly used on the State Capitol Building. You have to make sure you say Indiana Limestone because it’s different (don’t ask me how) but they’ll call you on it.

We weren’t expecting all of the great murals.

We also weren’t expecting to really like Indianapolis. I don’t know why. We have nothing against Indiana…I promise. But we found ourselves wishing for better weather and a longer stay in Indianapolis. In the picture above is the Soldiers and Sailors Monument. We only got to drive by it, but I’m already making plans for a second visit during another loop.

Yep. It’s the LOVE statue. I know…it’s been done a thousand times, but I couldn’t help it. I’m sure you’ll see our kiddos in front of other LOVE statues before we’re done.

I’m going to leave you with another look at that gorgeous stained-glass dome. Isn’t it pretty? Oh, and by-the-way…if y’all could arrange for us to have nice weather while we’re in your respective states we would greatly appreciate it. *winky face*
See y’all on the road!