7th Ranch RV Park
Hey Y’all! I don’t normally post about the RV parks we stay at, but this one is my favorite so far! The owners were super nice and so helpful with things to see in the area and bonus…we got free ice cream when we arrived!!
Besides being one of the cleanest, best organized parks I’ve seen, it’s also a working ranch which means…
There are real horses! You could take a riding lesson or just hang out with the horses. The horse above was thoroughly convinced my camera was really an apple meant for him. He nosed me a couple of times and followed me until he realized I didn’t have anything for him.
There was a great little playground for the boys to spend their days in.
And some hiking trails for the evenings.
One hiking trail leads up to a hill behind the park where I snapped the picture above. If you look really closely, you can spot our home on wheels!
Some of the other details about this place that make it so great…
The tipi we got to watch them put up and then explore,
the community fire pit (that for some reason reminded me of the Flintstones),
and the wonderful landscaping! I’m a sucker for pretty flowers.
The view wasn’t bad either.
Combine all of that and the cleanest bathrooms I’ve seen so far and you’ve got yourself a fantastic little RV park!!
See y’all down the road!