Day: August 8, 2014

Hello World!

Hello World!

I think it was about a year ago that my hubby and I decided to do something totally crazy. We decided to homeschool three boys, get an RV and travel to all 50 states! When we tell people about our impending trip we usually get one of two reactions. The most common reaction is of total amazement followed with begging to come with us. The other reaction is the one where people think it’s an awesome idea, but think we must be a bit nuts to even seriously consider doing it. Five people and two cats in an RV for how long?  That would be two years (as of now).

We’ve spent the year preparing for this life changing trip and this blog will be a way for us to share the experience with anyone who might be interested or just curious about what it takes to switch from living in a house to living full time in an RV! It’ll also be my digital journal…a scrapbook of sorts so we can remember our Grand Adventure!

See y’all down the road!