World of Zoo Sequoia Park Zoo
World of Zoo
To my fellow animal lovers! I bring to you a post from Eureka, CA.
Sequoia Park Zoo is a definite must do if you’re ever in the area.
The zoo is really clean and they really care for all of their animals.
They even have some animals I’ve never see before and we’ve been to a few zoos! Like Patagonian cavys,
crusted screamers and…
Montjacs! Montjacs are small but interesting animals. The folds on their noses and forehead are scent glands, and they mark their territory by head bumping a tree or a rock. The antlers on a montjac get about 4 inches long, this guy had just shed his.
In with the montjac (named Jack) are three red pandas! (I am very proud of taking this pic). They have the best exhibit for seeing red pandas I’ve ever seen!
The red pandas have trees for lounging in, it also provides a good escape route just in case Jack gets troublesome, but that doesn’t happen often.
When we got to the pandas (I was rather frantic) they were about ready to start feeding them. The keeper fed them some apple cubes after putting out they’re bamboo and taught us a little bit about them. Now, this was the first time I ever saw them move, so I got to see how slow they really are. Eating only bamboo will kinda do that to ya.
Did I forget to mention they have their own hut? Man, I want my own hut!
They’ve got some peccarys on the hunt for food, always hunting for food.
This owl was REALLY on the hunt. The keepers put mice in the owl exhibit and this one was zeroed in on one.
The eagles weren’t doing much, just sitting there all majestically saying “Look at me hooman, I’ze amazing!”.
The otters were pretty active. They were racing each other all around their habitat and playing around! It was fun to watch, but hard to get a picture of.
The otters weren’t the only ones playing around, check out the spider monkey! He was swinging back and forth on a rope. I’m pretty sure it was eating something too. Based on cleanliness, habitat size for the animals and all of the happy, healthy animals, Sequoia Zoo certainly deserves 5 stars.
See y’all at the Zoo!!
Written by Nicholas