Typical Day
Hey Guys! There are a few questions we get asked more frequently than others. We get asked all the time what a typical day is like for us and honestly, it’s probably not all that different from what your typical day looks like. We actually have three kinds of days…the typical day, the move day, and then the adventure day. In this post I’ll take you through what one of our more typical days looks like.
This, we’ve found from numerous people, is what most people think we do all day. Camp. We don’t camp…not really. Now, we love to stay in state parks, but you won’t find us hanging out outside by the campfire every night. It’s rare that we have a campfire. So, what do we do all day?
Our day starts off like yours. Jerl gets up around 6’ish and I get up around 7’ish. Our cats would like us to get up about 4’ish and feed them. That doesn’t happen. Sadi (you can see her in the pic above) is my shadow all morning until she’s fed. She’s a foodie. She fits in well. The very first things we do are make the bed and get dressed.
And then I start on my chores. Laundry is done Tuesday through Friday. I’ll do a couple of loads a day. Our combo washer/dryer is smaller than your average residential unit so it takes me more loads to get done what most of you can do in just two or three loads. I don’t mind it. I’m glad I don’t have to use the RV park laundry facility or find a laundry mat.
By this time Sadi has had about all she can take of waiting and starts to passive aggressively demand food. The longer it takes for me to feed her…the more demanding she gets. Ha! I feed both of our little furry maniacs and clean the litter box.
I let the boys sleep until 8:30 am while I’m doing my morning routine and then I wake them up.
School starts by 10 am. They each start the morning at their own pace and as long as school is going by 10 am I let them do what they need to do to get the day going. The Alex and Nicholas like to do school on the big bed while Charles likes to sit on the couch to do it. We use a curriculum called Switched On Schoolhouse. It’s a computer based program that tells them what they need to get done each day. Each morning they network into my computer where everything is. That way I can keep track of who’s doing what and how they did that day. Now that they’re getting to the higher grades, SOS will kick any essay questions or math questions that require them to write out an answer for me to grade. Luckily, it also has the answer there and tells me exactly what to look for. We supplement SOS with Rosetta Stone for language classes, workbooks for logic, and Charles will have an online writing class this next school year. Jerl sits at the dinette to work and I’m just all over the place doing stuff that needs to be done.
Lunch is anytime between 11 am and 1 pm. We’ll each stop when we’re at a good spot and make our own lunch. Anytime this involves meat, Magnus assumes it’s for him. He usually gets a morsel or two.
When work and school are done for the day we either run some errands…
get in a quick hike…
or we start dinner. Sometimes it’s a combination of those things and sometimes it’s just one. It really depends on where we are and how big our “to see” list is. Dinner usually happens anywhere between 5 pm and 7 pm-ish.
Our evening activities vary as well. We’ll either play a family game,
or the boys will play a video game,
or we all go our own ways…into our separate spaces to do our own things. I like to read…Magnus likes to help me while demanding to be loved on.
So, there it is! Not too exciting is it? Y’all are probably reminded of your own daily schedules a bit. Ours is the same as most family’s…just in our home-on-wheels instead of a stick-n-bricks home. I hope I covered everything y’all were curious about. If not drop me a note, shoot me an email, or comment below and I’ll try to answer any questions in a future post!
Thanks for spending the day with us!
See y’all down the road!