Stop Off In Louisiana
Hey Guys! We spent a week in Louisiana…eating. I’m not even kidding. When I scheduled us to stop in Louisiana for an entire week it was purely to chow down on some Cajun food. We’re foodies…it’s part of the journey for us.
Lets start with the one thing we did that wasn’t food related. We took a field trip to LIGO in Livingston, LA. What the heck is LIGO? LIGO stands for Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory. Man, that’s a mouth full! Try saying that five times real fast! ;-P So, what the heck do they do at LIGO? To put it in simple terms…they detect gravitational waves…with lasers. The facility works in conjunction with the facility in Hanford, WA to measure and detect gravitational waves. I’ll be honest…most of it was way over my head. We absolutely loved the hands on science exhibits!! Our little nomadic nerd hearts were in heaven!
We were lucky to even get into LIGO for a tour. They only do schools through the week and then they’re open the third Saturday of the month to the public. And, if we’d been a week later, we’d have been out of luck because they were all booked. It’s a great tour and an awesome field trip…if any of you are ever in Louisiana, it’s worth it to stick around the Livingston area so you can do a tour at LIGO.
Now to the foodies. I’m not going to break down every place we ate…but every single place we tried was amazing. Guys, that doesn’t happen often You know…you go try a place and it’s just meh and turn around and try a place right down the street and it’s ah-maze-ing. There are some states that we struggle just to find a decent burger and then there are states (like Louisiana) where we struggle not to eat out every single day because it’s all just so dang good!
One of our top picks for this visit is a place called Cate Street Seafood Station. We ate there twice…in a week. Cate Street has it all…seafood, boudin balls, pasta, po’boys, and sushi! All with a Cajun flare to it. And Guys…the desserts…I have three words for you… Fried. Bread. Pudding. It’s a good thing we don’t spend more time in Louisiana. I’d weigh two-hundred pounds easily.
See y’all down the road!