Lets Try This Again
Hey Guys!!
I took a few weeks off from writing blog posts. We’ve been crazy busy…but mostly it’s been mundane…not really blog worthy stuff. We left my (Jennie’s) parent’s house where we were driveway camping and headed to Houston. We always take a family pic by the map before we start each loop. I like to look back and see how everyone has changed.
We spent two weeks in Houston getting all of our yearly stuff done. Even adventurous nomads have to go to the dentist, get their eyes checked and visit their pediatrician.
Our furr baby-nomads had to go visit their doctor too. They weren’t pleased…not even a little bit. They let us know of their displeasure loudly on the ride there and back
We hit up a few of our favorite eateries,
stopped by one of our favorite book stores, and even made it to a friend’s birthday party! I don’t like to post pictures of other people’s kids so you’ll just have to take my word that this particular kiddo who just turned one is pretty stinkin’ cute! The best part about being back in the Houston area is spending time with friends.
I think I told y’all that we were having leaky plumbing problems from the cold weather we were in. We took our home-on-wheels to an RV place to get it fixed…we actually had to take it twice…and it was still leaking pretty badly behind the back toilet. Jerl ended up having to take the toilet off and redoing the fix, but he fixed it! No more leaky toilets!!
That pretty much wraps up our two weeks in Houston. Short and sweet…filled with friends and foodies.
We took off from Houston to Junction, TX where we would stay overnight on our way to New Mexico. Things were going pretty smoothly until I looked in the rear view camera to check on the car and the car…well, it wasn’t there. I looked in the side view mirror and there it was…trying to race us down the highway. It was pretty startling. Jerl kept his cool and used the RV to stop the car. I wish I’d gotten some video of it all, but I was too busy freaking out. The pin that holds the hitch to the RV either broke and fell out or someone messed with it at the last gas station we were at. Either way, the tow bar ended up under the car. Just to clarify…that’s not where it’s supposed to be. It doesn’t really work properly like that.
Everything considered…we were extremely lucky. If this had happened on a busy road or going down a steep incline, it would have ended very differently. The car can be fixed. It’s totally drive-able…just not quite as pretty as before. The RV has a few scuffs and scratches and the light came off. But, there’s nothing too bad.
We were twenty miles away from the RV park we were going to stay at. We got untangled and made it to the park before dark. The camp host at the park did his best to try to help us straighten out the tow bar. They were making some progress when they started worrying about the integrity of the metal after being so bent up. So, they stopped. We really appreciate their willingness to help strangers, but that’s been our experience with the RVing community as a whole. We help each other out.
It was a pretty exciting first day back on our travels…and not really the kind of exciting we’re used to (or want). We’re hoping for some less exciting travel days in the future.
See y’all down the road!