We were in Clifftop for almost two weeks. We stayed at Babcock State Park and it was wonderful!
The Glade Creek Grist Mill
Our first day in the area was pretty cold and misty. We’d heard about the grist mill so we went to check it out. It’s a gorgeous area.
Grinding tools
We walked in thinking we would take a look around and move on, but when we found the Miller there…well, one thing led to another and suddenly we had plans to come back after lunch so the boys could help grind corn.
The Dude and the Miller
The Miller was a wealth of knowledge. He explained the process and actually put the boys to work.
Corn kernels
Each boy took part in each job. They scooped the corn kernels into the hopper. The Miller explained about the phrase “nose to the grind stone”. When you’re grinding corn (or whatever you might be grinding) the stones will get hot. You don’t want them too hot or they’ll ruin whatever your grinding so you have to smell around the grindstone to make sure you’re not going too fast and getting too hot.
Littlest sifting the grain
As the ground corn comes out of the meal spout it lands on a big wire mesh screen where it needs to be sifted. You get corn flour, corn meal, corn grit, and then the waste which was used to feed the animals. Nothing was thrown away.
Mr. Man holding some freshly ground corn mealDifferent products from the mill
I’m watering down the details here. There’s more to it than this, but I’m not a miller and I don’t remember all of the technical jargon. In the jars above you can see the different products that could come out of a grist mill.
Grist Mill Certificate
For their effort, they were each given a certificate
Corn meal
and we got to keep a bag of the corn meal they’d just ground! We’ve got some plans for this corn meal!! This stuff is so different from what you’ll get at the store. So much better!
White tailed deer
We pretty much had the campground to ourselves…except for all of the wildlife. We counted nine deer grazing outside our front door one afternoon.
Junior Ranger swag
We were fairly close to the New River Gorge Bridge so we took the opportunity to go check it out. The boys snagged a badge and a patch there. It’s called New River, but it’s actually one of the oldest rivers in the world. It’s older than the Appalachian Mountains. At 876 feet, New River Bridge is the third highest bridge in the country.
Boys and the bridge
So, at the visitor center you can walk down the hundreds of stairs to get an ok view of the bridge. Don’t get me wrong…it’s a nice view…but, I’d heard about a hike you can do to get a better view. The hike is called Long Point Hike for anyone interested. It’s a bit strenuous, but not terrible. I definitely earned the burger I had after that. We ended up hiking a total of around four miles round trip. It was so worth it! Check out the view from Long Point in the photo above! You come out on this point and you’re looking straight at the bridge and you’re far enough away that you can get the whole bridge with the river below it in your shot! Just watch out for the red wasps. It’s a long way down if you fall off the edge as you’re dodging the wasps…
Cathedral Falls
We also made it to Cathedral Falls! I don’t really know anything about Cathedral Falls except they’re super easy to get to.
Cathedral Falls size
It’s always hard to judge how big something is in a picture unless you’re given a size comparison. If you look closely in the above picture, you’ll see Jerl and The Dude checking out some tadpoles to the left of the falls.
We only had time for one more place so we hit Nuttallburg. It is impressive!
The tipple
In the 1870s John Nuttal wanted to take advantage of the rich coal deposits along the New River gorge and began buying up the land around it. By the turn of the century, Nuttallburg was a pretty busy mining community, but after his death it didn’t do so well.
The conveyor
In the 1920s Henry Ford leased the town’s mines to provide for his company’s steel mills. He spent $100,000 to build the “button and rope” conveyor system you can see heading up the hill. Ultimately, his plan failed when he couldn’t control or buy the railroad, he needed to carry the coal form the mine to his mills and he sold his interests in the Nuttallburg mines in 1928.
There was an entire community at Nuttallburg. Homes, stores, schools…
Ruins of a home
In the two photos above, you can see the same plot of land then and now.
Coke Oven
The row of coke ovens are still there. You can see where the Company Store was. You’ve heard the song 16 Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford? “I owe my soul to the company store…” wasn’t far from the truth. Miners worked long hours in dangerous conditions to earn their pay. When the only store around was owned by the mining company…well, prices weren’t fair and miners usually ended up owing the Company Store more money than they made each week.
Yup, that’s coal! We saw it everywhere. The only other place we’ve seen it so easily available is in Alaska.
Campfire S’mores
We took advantage of the fire pit and had roasted hot dogs and s’mores several nights. You might be surprised to know that most of the RV Parks we go to don’t have a fire pit and don’t allow fires at the campsites. So…we indulged and took advantage of the fire pit while we stayed at Babcock State Park!
Pink Dogwood Tree
Flower report! The dogwood trees were everywhere and in full bloom!!
Blooms & Butterfly
This is also a tree. I don’t know what kind it is, but I love the delicate pink blooms on it and so did the butterfly!
Purple blooms
Ok…so…this isn’t the best picture, but these purple flowering trees were thrown in all over the place along rivers, railroads, and roads. We were told by a Ranger that they came over on trains from China. She also told us the name of the tree, but for the life of me I can’t remember. They were super pretty though!
We loved West Virginia more than we expected to! One of our favorite things to do is talk to locals. You really get a feel for an area when you chat with the people who live there. West Virginia is filled with hard working, genuinely nice folks that are trying to make ends meat in a dying state. Every time a mine is closed it’s taking jobs and livelihood away from an entire community. I encourage everyone to take a trip to West Virginia this summer. Go explore and support the small towns and communities that depend on tourism to stay alive.
We spent a week at the Huntington/Fox Fire KOA just outside of Charleston. It’s giving our favorite RV Park a run for its money. The owners are super friendly, and really care about your stay. The park is very clean and family friendly.
The boys rode these banana bikes almost every day we were there.
The KOA has banana bikes in various sizes for all to enjoy for a small price. It’s very reasonable.
There was also a couple of fully stocked ponds to fish in. The two little boys each caught a fish. It was a great way to spend the evenings. There were several activities offered by the KOA, but the boys’ favorite thing there is the owner’s dog! He does a great trick. If y’all are ever in the area, we highly recommend the Huntington/Fox Fire KOA!
Charleston Capitol Building
We didn’t get to take a tour of the Charleston Capitol Building. The website said tours were available, but when we got there, we found out they’d recently changed that. Bummer. We did get to walk around some, but we really enjoy taking the guided tours. You learn more about the building and sometimes you get into parts of the building you wouldn’t normally get to see.
WV dome
The Charleston Capitol Building was one of the more reserved buildings we’ve seen so far. Where other state capitol buildings have decorated every space this one has gone in another direction. And you know what? I like it. It’s not flashy. It’s modest. The building speaks for itself without all of the flash.
Crystal chandelier
They call it a chandelier and it weighs 4,000 pounds. The chandelier is made from graduated crystals imported from Czechoslovakia. The light was definitely twinkling! Y’all know I prefer the stained glass, but I will admit the crystal chandelier is lovely.
Charleston Capitol Building rotunda
Just like all the other capitol buildings, there is marble everywhere.
What a general store would have looked like during the late 1800s early 1900s in West Virginia.
The museum across the courtyard from the Capitol Building was a nice surprise. We spent a couple of hours learning about the history of West Virginia.
Blenko glass blower
We went to the Blenko Glass Company. The building the glass blowers work in has an observation deck for tours. We watched that blob of glass turned into
Indigo vase
this. It was very cool. We stood there and watched them do several before we went down to the gift shop where we got a pretty blue vase to give someone as a gift. I somehow missed getting a photo of the vase we bought.
Milton Covered Bridge
We also found this covered bridge at a park near Blenko Glass!
Inside of the bridge
I used it as a background for some school pictures of the boys. They turned out great this year.
Flowers at the KOA
Loving all of the spring flowers!
Flowers in Charleston
These tulips were in a vibrant shade of purple…one of the best colors in my opinion…
We immensely enjoyed our time in the Milton area. We’ve already decided another trip is in the future!