Author: Jennie Simpson



After the warm and fuzzy glow of deciding to do this amazingly awesome trip wore off, we realized just how big of an undertaking we’d decided to take on and we were faced with quite a few questions.

Where do we even start? We’llĀ have to pull all three boys out of public school and start to homeschool. What are the Texas laws on homeschooling? What curriculum will we use? What will we do for an address? What kind of RV will best suit us? What about internet on the road? Do we plan each state or just go with the flow?

Ok, I have to stop right there. Anyone who knows me at all knows I’m not just going to go all willy-nilly off on a trip like this without a plan for each state. Now, my hubby would totally do that. Just point the RV in a direction and go. Not me though. It would kill me to do that. No, I’ve got to plan and organize. I have to mull things over. Research and review. He’s more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of person. We balance each other out…it works for us. While I’ll try to plan every last detail, he’ll keep me in the real world and help me realize a little spontaneity is good for a person. I’ll admit, I do have a plan for each state. It’s a loose sort of plan…I have a list of things I want to do in each state. We may or may not get to all of the things on my list, but by golly we’ll at least know of all the things we could possibly do in each state! I’m sure the list will be modified…many times. There will be things taken off and things added on.

We had so many questions and no idea where to start so we started with the basics. What do we do about an address? Even if we were to pay all of our bills online, we still need a permanent address for various reasons. Not to mention it’s the law. The government needs to know where to find us. We have a couple of options here… We could ask family/friends to let us “rent” their address. Basically, it would look like we live with them. That’s a lot to ask of anyone. Another option would be a mail forwarding service. There are a few mail forwarding companies with full time RVers in mind. I think we’ll be going with one based out of Texas since we’re already Texas state residents. If we were to go with one based in another state, we would have to go through the process of becoming official state residents. Our vehicle tags would have to be changed and our drivers licenses would have to be changed. Staying in Texas is so much easier for us. The company we’re looking at is the Escapees RV Club. Before we make it official, we’re planning on heading to the actual facility to talk to them and look around. Sometimes a place has a totally different feel in the real world vs. online and I want to make sure our mail will be secure. I’ll let y’all know how it goes once we’ve made the trip!

See y’all down the road!